Thank you Derek由簡邊架船到出發都俾左好多suggestion我,令到我最後可以去左一個完美既南極trip👍👍👍如果無Derek既幫忙,一定不會選到一架適合自己既船。另外今次簡既albatross 都好滿意,99% service/expeditions 都好滿意🔥會推薦有興趣去南極既朋友搵derek,同埋成日有好discount既票性價比好高👍
Derek helped me fulfill my dream to Antarctica ! Appreciate his immediate response and follow up the whole application till on board. Hope I will have a second time to visit Antarctica again and for sure I will find Derek again !!!
經Let’s Go Antartica book 係平勁多!因為同船識左好多人,佢地住細過我既房型但同我一樣價錢!真心正~!
I got a wonderful and memorable trip. Thank you to all the staff who provided these perfect services. Also, Derek to arrange and communicate with the cruise company.
特別感謝 我要去南極 Let's go to Antarctica 協助我們訂到理想價格的船票,充實美麗的三島船票只花了不到8000美金😊
Let’s go to Antarctica 提供好多資訊 唔同船種唔同優惠俾大家揀 亦都會好細心解答大家既問題👍🏻👍🏻
Hey Derek ! 個trip 都好順利呀 完成左人生一件大事 多謝你之前幫我coordinate 呢個trip, 幫我完成南極既夢想🥳
I booked Albatros Expeditions 20 days voyage to Falkland, South Georgia and Antarctica Peninsula through Derek. He’s informative and responsive. The trip was amazing, probably the best in my life. Bucket list ✅